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Animals and birds

Types of Birds:
  • All About Birds
    Bird characteristics
    Bird families
    Bird species
  • Bird Identification
    Scientific classification
    Romantic names
    Practical names
    Pet bird identification
  • List of Bird Types
    Pet birds
    Farm poultry
    Game birds
    Birds of prey
    Flightless birds
    Wild birds
Parrot bird
  Learning about the many diverse types of birds and its  exciting adventure. Birds are social animals; they enjoy companionship and have great personalities, and come in all shapes and sizes. Here you'll find a lot of interesting bird information whether you are able to know information on birds.
There are loud birds and quiet birds, show birds,peacock,parrot, shy birds and humming birds i.e smallest bird of the world . Some birds are active and playful, some will talk, and others will sing. There are some that tend to be a one-person bird or only like either men or women, but many birds enjoy being friends with the whole family. There are also birds that simply do best in flocks, and these make great aviary birds and there are also such birds which

 There are many animals in the world some of them are very danger and some of them are minor that depend upon there species.Elephant is largest animal on land and Whale is largest animal of the world. Among the animals tiger is the most dangerous animals, though there are other small animals but also they have their own important role in their own place. Bumblebee bat is the smallest mamma.One horned Rhinoceros which is very valuable for its one horned,due to this hunter make target to this animal as reult its number is very less in the world. 

smallest mammal of the world

Fastest Animal on Land: Cheetah
 Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are the fastest animal in the World on land. This predator is by far one of the most efficient killing machines on the World. Over short distances, it can sprint up to 120 km/h, accelerate from 0 to 110 km/h in three seconds. Cheetahs live in open grasslands or the Savannah in Africa.
Usually hunts during daylight, preferring early morning or early evening.
In the wild cheetahs can live from 10 to 15 years.